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Version: (fr) 2.0.0-alpha.70


Presets are collections of plugins and themes.

Using presets#

A preset is usually a npm package, so you install them like other npm packages using npm.

npm install --save docusaurus-preset-name

Then, add it in your site's docusaurus.config.js's presets option:

module.exports = {
// ...
presets: ['@docusaurus/preset-xxxx'],

To load presets from your local directory, specify how to resolve them:

const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
// ...
presets: [path.resolve(__dirname, '/path/to/docusaurus-local-presets')],

Presets -> themes and plugins#

Presets in some way are a shorthand function to add plugins and themes to your docusaurus config. For example, you can specify a preset that includes the following themes and plugins,

module.exports = function preset(context, opts = {}) {
return {
themes: [
plugins: [require.resolve('@docusaurus/plugin-blog')],

then in your Docusaurus config, you may configure the preset instead:

module.exports = {
// ...
presets: ['@docusaurus/preset-my-own'],

This is equivalent of doing:

module.exports = {
themes: ['@docusaurus/themes-cool', '@docusaurus/themes-bootstrap'],
plugins: ['@docusaurus/plugin-blog'],

This is especially useful when some plugins and themes are intended to be used together.

Official presets#


The classic preset that is usually shipped by default to new docusaurus website. It is a set of plugins and themes.


To specify plugin options individually, you can provide the necessary fields to certain plugins, i.e. customCss for @docusaurus/theme-classic, pass them in the preset field, like this:

module.exports = {
presets: [
// Debug defaults to true in dev, false in prod
debug: undefined,
// Will be passed to @docusaurus/theme-classic.
theme: {
customCss: [require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css')],
// Will be passed to @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs (false to disable)
docs: {},
// Will be passed to @docusaurus/plugin-content-blog (false to disable)
blog: {},
// Will be passed to @docusaurus/plugin-content-pages (false to disable)
pages: {},
// Will be passed to @docusaurus/plugin-content-sitemap (false to disable)
sitemap: {},

In addition to these plugins and themes, @docusaurus/theme-classic adds remark-admonitions as a remark plugin to @docusaurus/plugin-content-blog and @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs.

The admonitions key will be passed as the options to remark-admonitions. Passing false will prevent the plugin from being added to MDX.

module.exports = {
presets: [
docs: {
// options for remark-admonitions
admonitions: {},


The classic preset that is usually shipped by default to new docusaurus website. It is a set of plugins and themes.


To specify plugin options individually, you can provide the necessary fields to certain plugins, i.e. docs for @docusaurus/theme-bootstrap, pass them in the preset field, like this:

module.exports = {
presets: [
// Debug defaults to true in dev, false in prod
debug: undefined,
// Will be passed to @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs (false to disable)
docs: {},
// Will be passed to @docusaurus/plugin-content-blog (false to disable)
blog: {},

This preset is work in progress

Last updated on by Sébastien Lorber