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Version: (fr) 2.0.0-alpha.71 🚧

Docs Markdown Features

Docs can use any Markdown feature, and have a few additional Docs-specific markdown features.

Markdown frontmatter#

Markdown docs have their own Markdown frontmatter

Referencing other documents#

If you want to reference another document file, you could use the name of the document you want to reference. Docusaurus will convert the file path to be the final website path (and remove the .md).

For example, if you are in doc2.md and you want to reference doc1.md and folder/doc3.md:

I am referencing a [document](doc1.md). Reference to another [document in a folder](folder/doc3.md).
[Relative document](../doc2.md) referencing works as well.

One benefit of this approach is that the links to external files will still work if you are viewing the file on GitHub.

Another benefit, for versioned docs, is that one versioned doc will link to another doc of the exact same version.

Last updated on by Sébastien Lorber